
Nightmare on Minjungbal

Nightmare on Minjungbal is a book in progress, edited by Gi Linda, revealing the truth about an Australian land-share community run by litigious sovereignty activists who are selling  "Tribal Title"  to dwelling sites without development approval. The prospective land-share project began in 2014, under the auspices of Truthology and Freedom Summits as an intentional community called  " Bhula Bhula Village Community "   now renamed  " Nightcap Village "  and marketed as  "Nightcap on Minjungbal" .  Bhula Bhula, 2015 Between   2015-17, more than twenty families who provided purchase money for land lost their life savings, totalling over $2 million, when sovereignty activists linked with the Aboriginal Minjungbal Tribe seized control of the land-share venture, with significant impact also on local residents. The book tells how the sovereignty activists forced investors off the properties they had purchased, then made shareholder deals with neigh...

Dancing on a Tilted Stage

By Gi Linda - It is my experience that false narratives established errors of fact before Qld Federal Court and NSW Supreme Court of Defamation in 2019, resulting in misapplication of law and imposition of gag orders.  Presumption that the courts have fully decided the matter and nothing further may be said is not only an egregious attempt to suppress truth, but is also  an abuse of legal process that denies justice.  This interferes with the true exercise of justice and advances dominant commercial interests under colour of law by constraining legitimate freedom of discussion on matters of public concern. At a hearing in NSW Supreme Court on Friday July 24, Judge Sackar heard contumacious contempt charges brought by "Mr X" against me, for alleged defamatory imputations in the book/blog “Nightmare on Minjungbal,” published at .  Mr X complains that by revealing information about the demise of more than twenty investors who did not receive ...

Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Cooking Up A Storm at Nightcap on Minjungbal

A fter a contract was signed  with controversial Celebrity Chef Pete Evans,  an expected  "momentous boost" in sales of Tribal Title to dwelling sites without  development  approval at  " Nightcap on Minjungbal " was  announced . The news was  posted to Nightcap Village Inner Circle and potential new investors in  the sovereignty scheme .  Extract from Nightcap on Minjungbal Marketing / Sales News  by Derek Zillman :  "Nightcap: quick update 8th July 2020   ...exciting news is we will shortly be announcing publicly the involvement of Chef Peter Evans with the project. Pete Evans is an internationally renowned chef, restaurateur, entrepreneur, key note speaker, author, television presenter and documentary producer. He also has a podcast called HEAL with Pete Evans, exploring nutritional and emotional wellbeing. Pete will be making similar announcements via a movie that is being made by him now and over the comin...

Harmony Shattered

The vision grows as newly fleeced asleeple with eyes wide shut stumble into the rabbit-hole, and discover why the Cheshire Cat is grinning! From its inception in 2014-15, the land-share development was a life-style dream that became a living nightmare, as investors saw hopes and resources brutally ripped away.  Broken relationships, trauma and heartbreak were all that was left for most after the nascent development was hijacked by a hidden agenda. The original vision for an intentional community as a land-share venture was birthed in 2014 by Andrew Cody, who found the land and joined with Mark Darwin to raise finance to buy two properties at 3220-3222 Kyogle Rd, Mt Burrell, NSW.  Baiting with  "alternative lifestyle"  lures What some investors didn’t know, was that unseen behind the curtain were other “ Sovereignty Activists ,” who had a hidden plan that only became fully evident after Mark Darwin disassociated from the “ Inner Circle ” . The land-share ven...

Living Outside the Dialectic

A Communitarian Venture The political construct of  Communitarianism  underlies the ethos of the Sovereignty land-share scheme at Mt Burrell. In Communitarian systems the rights of the individual are subordinate to the collective. As presumed descendants of the original indigenous occupants of Australia, Sovereignty Activists aligned with the Minjungbal Tribe seized the land, evicting the purchase money creditors who paid for the properties.  They justify the land-grab by appeal to higher communitarian precepts, based on their belief that Aborigines should be the rightful owners of all Australian territory. The property at Mt Burrell in 2014, now occupied by Aborigines Recommended Reading on Communitarianism "Living Outside the Dialectic" :  See Niki Raapana's blog and books on Communitarianism  Communitarianism and Global Citizenship   Seeking a Path Not Included in the Plan 2020: Our Common Destiny & t he Anti Communitarian Manifesto  Niki R...

Nightcap Nightmare!

Local opposition to Nightcap Village proposal, 2008 The first attempt to build a Village in an environmentally protected Tweed valley began in 2007 by l andowner Peter van Lieshout,  when his  wife, Joan van Lieshout was Tweed Mayor .  Despite a storm of local opposition,  development approval was granted  in 2009 .  However,  Peter van Lieshout  was unable to complete necessary infrastructure, the venture failed and development approval lapsed. Peter and Joan van Lieshout In 2006 Nimbin GoodTimes reported local opposition to a proposal for a "Village Community" in Tweed Valley:  "Nightcap Nightmare: Tweed "Village" proposal sounds alarm bells" .   The project was rebirthed in 2016, when Peter van Lieshout made shareholder agreements with Sovereignty Activists controlling a failed neighbouring venture, Bhula Bhula Village Community, that left purchase money creditors disenfranchised.  In collaboration with Peter van Lieshaupt, the ...

Financial Scandal Destroys Secret Eden

By Charlie Peel, The Courier-Mail | 23rd Jul 2017 " A SECRETIVE colony for people who wanted to live off the grid in "earthships" has collapsed, leaving a community divided. " " Some out-of-pocket investors have been critical of the community's founders but others remain supportive, threatening The Sunday Mail with a class action should the paper publish an article, " the  Courier Mail  reports. " The Sunday Mail can reveal what was meant to be a dream Utopia in the forested foothills just over the Queensland-NSW border has turned into a nightmare.  Villagers paid up to $160,000 each to be part of Bhula Bhula but have now split into squabbling factions as they try to protect or recover their investment. " Mt Burrell Commercial, purchased  in 2016