Pete Evans Selling Off-Matrix Tribal Experience at Nightcap Village

Pete Evans is hooked Celebrity chef Pete Evans is keen to put his hand up in a new video he's produced to market his off-matrix tribal experience. He says he's "Fkn IN!" Commenting on "Paleo Pete's" recent induction into the tribal experience, radio host Ray Hadley on his Morning Show , Aug 31, describes the notable failure of the venture when, in 2015-17, it was called "Bhula Bhula Village Community" : "A Federal Court Judge described efforts to establish the community as 'shambolic'" . Ray Hadley said those involved "failed to reach the heights of a careless enema" . He warned: "The last time they went down this road, (without this dolt being involved) someone lost $2.5 million. Make sure this time that it's not you!" Pete Evans has signed a contract with Adrian Brennock, Mark McMurtrie and Derek Zillman to become a "Nightcap on Minjungbal Community Member" . Mark McMurtrie, aka "...