Living in a Nightmare

Local legend says that after a brutal massacre by whitefella, Aborigines sang curses into land where Peter van Lieshout, brother of A-Mart billionaire John van Lieshout, has been trying unsuccessfully to build a "Village Community " for the last thirteen years. Now linked in the proposed "Nightcap Village" development is a neighbouring property where more than twenty trusting investors provided over $2 million for purchase of properties i n 2014-16, without receiving consideration or restitution . For those who lost life-savings in the venture, the hurt and harm is curse enough to add flame to legend. Mingungbal elders occupy property at 3222 Kyogle Rd, Mt Burrell Marketing materials for Nightcap Village promote a "new paradigm" that returns "sacred land" to " sacred " aborigines, who are occupying the Mt Burrell properties. Elders of the Minjungbal Tribe now claim to be the "true owners" of "Country" wher...