Legal Injustice

By Gi Linda - SLAPPs -- Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation It is my observation that defamation claims made against the Nimbin GoodTimes and myself in 2017, and still continuing in 2020 with contempt charges against me , are an abuse of legal process known as a “SLAPP” . In 1984, George W. Pring and Penelope Canan studied "SLAPPs" , “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation” at the University of Denver . They found that SLAPPs undermine the right to free speech by setting up an unfair Goliath v David battle between private and public interests, in which an overwhelming threat of litigation is used maliciously to silence critics and prevent free speech on issues of public concern. Political activists and environmental defenders, civic and social organizations and public interest groups are often “ slapped ” with malice to prevent them exposing vested economic interests that trample pubic concerns. In SLAPP...