From Nightcap Village to Earth-Haven Sustainable Communities

An Australian land-share venture that began in 2014 as Bhula Bhula Village Community , is now marketed "Nightcap Village," "Nightcap on Minjungbal" and also as " Earth-Haven Sustainable Communities and Display Villages ". After the original founder, Mark Darwin , withdrew from the project, other Sovereignty Activists with legal and financial control expanded the venture to greater heights of ambition, with greater depths of harm to their clamouring creditors. In 2016, the incipient intentional community at Mt Burrell was exposed as an alleged fraud in local newspapers, on social media and in our blogs. In 2017, Bhula Bhula was expanded to 3,500 acres with addition of a neighbouring property owned by Peter van Lieshout. The project, promoted by Tyler Tolman, was neatly rebranded as " Mt Warning Eco Village ," until mountains of warning from angry investors crying " fraud " triggered another name change to " Nightcap Village ...