Pete Evens promotes Nightcap on Minjungbal

Paleo Pete joins Byron Bush Tribe By Gi Linda- Celebrity chef Pete Evans has joined an off-grid bush " tribe " that is living in an idyllic new development about an hour from the famous tourist mecca, Byron Bay, according to a Daily Telegraph report by Jonathon Moran. Sounds like a dream come true, but not far beneath the veil of delusion lurks a simmering anger and stories of discontented prior investors whose ongoing nightmares are hard to suppress. Pete Evans' new business partner, Nightcap on Minjungbal project director, Adrian Brennock, is protected by Supreme Court injunctions prohibiting me from publishing perceptions imputing felony to him. Adrian Brennock, known as "AB," initiated contempt charges against me in July 2020, in an attempt to extend the injunctions to a total gag on any unfavourable account of his dealings that might impact his ability to induce new investors to part with life savings. Daily T...