Nightcap on Minjungbal marketing "Sacred Land"

"The Minjungbal people are happy..." Nightcap Village is offering a special deal on "Sacred" . Dwelling sites on Mt Burrell properties are marketed with a new website by "sacred people" offering "sacred solutions for these sacred times" on "sacred land" . For those who were lured into the incipient venture from 2014-2017, this supposed sacred land has certainly left many people running scared. A promotional video published online by Nightcap Realty is selling a lifestyle dream with a social justice vision and a reverential greeting, "Welcome to Country!" Sacred Aborigines from the Minjungbal tribe now occupy property at 3222 Kyogle Rd, Mt Burrell. Aborigines from the Minjungbal tribe occupy property at Mt Burrell Even before receiving development approval, Nightcap Realty is selling a total of 867 dwelling sites in the prospective Village Community, also called " Nightcap on Minjungbal ," in collaboratio...