
Showing posts with the label Tribal Title

Nightcap on Minjungbal marketing "Sacred Land"

"The Minjungbal people are happy..." Nightcap Village is offering a special deal on "Sacred" . Dwelling sites on Mt Burrell properties are marketed with a new website by "sacred people" offering "sacred solutions for these sacred times" on "sacred land" . For those who were lured into the incipient venture from 2014-2017, this supposed sacred land has certainly left many people running scared.  A promotional video published online by Nightcap Realty is  selling a lifestyle dream with a social justice vision and a reverential greeting,  "Welcome to Country!" Sacred Aborigines from the Minjungbal tribe now occupy property at 3222 Kyogle Rd, Mt Burrell. Aborigines from the Minjungbal tribe occupy property at Mt Burrell Even before receiving development approval,  Nightcap Realty is selling a  total of  867  dwelling sites in the prospective Village Community,  also called   " Nightcap on Minjungbal ,"  in collaboratio...

Pete Evans' New Life

The Courier Mail, Aug 31, 202  Celebrity Chef Pete Evans has announced his new life in the off-matrix "Byron Tribal Community" that he has bought into.  He doesn't mention the backstory to the " Tribal Community" or the families who lost life savings following the same dream. He doesn't seem to mind that no compliant development application has been made to Tweed Council since the venture began in 2014. He doesn't even mention the ongoing litigation by investors who lost everything when marketing representations were not fulfilled by his new business partner, Adrian Brennock. Pete Evans may be the new kid on the Byron block, but for those who bought the Bhula-Nightcap dream and got stung by the stories, there is much more to be told that soon will be revealed. Read more about Pete Evans' Tribal Community deal: Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Cooking Up A Storm at Nightcap on Minjungbal

Pete Evens promotes Nightcap on Minjungbal

Paleo Pete joins Byron Bush Tribe By Gi Linda- Celebrity chef Pete Evans has joined an off-grid bush " tribe " that is living in an idyllic new development about an hour from the famous tourist mecca, Byron Bay, according to a Daily Telegraph report by Jonathon Moran. Sounds like a dream come true, but not far beneath the veil of delusion lurks a simmering anger and stories of discontented prior investors whose ongoing nightmares are hard to suppress.  Pete Evans' new business partner, Nightcap on Minjungbal project director, Adrian Brennock, is protected by Supreme Court injunctions prohibiting me from publishing perceptions imputing felony to him.  Adrian Brennock, known as "AB," initiated contempt charges against me in July 2020, in an attempt to extend the injunctions to a total gag on any unfavourable account of his dealings that might impact his ability to induce new investors to part with life savings.  Daily T...

Legal Injustice

By Gi Linda -     SLAPPs -- Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation It is my observation that defamation claims made against the Nimbin GoodTimes and myself in 2017, and still continuing in 2020 with contempt charges  against me , are an abuse of legal process known as a  “SLAPP” .  In 1984, George W. Pring and Penelope Canan studied  "SLAPPs" ,   “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation”   at the University of Denver . They found that SLAPPs undermine the right to free speech by setting up an unfair Goliath v David battle between private and public interests, in which an overwhelming threat of litigation is used maliciously to silence critics and prevent free speech on issues of public concern. Political activists and environmental defenders, civic and social organizations and public interest groups are often “ slapped ” with malice to prevent them exposing vested economic interests that trample pubic concerns.  In SLAPP...