Nightcap Nightmare!

Local opposition to Nightcap Village proposal, 2008

The first attempt to build a Village in an environmentally protected Tweed valley began in 2007 by landowner Peter van Lieshout, when his wife, Joan van Lieshout was Tweed Mayor

Despite a storm of local opposition, development approval was granted in 2009However, Peter van Lieshout was unable to complete necessary infrastructure, the venture failed and development approval lapsed.

Peter and Joan van Lieshout

In 2006 Nimbin GoodTimes reported local opposition to a proposal for a "Village Community" in Tweed Valley: "Nightcap Nightmare: Tweed "Village" proposal sounds alarm bells".

Nightcap Nightmare 

The project was rebirthed in 2016, when Peter van Lieshout made shareholder agreements with Sovereignty Activists controlling a failed neighbouring venture, Bhula Bhula Village Community, that left purchase money creditors disenfranchised. 

In collaboration with Peter van Lieshaupt, the Sovereignty Activists began advertising residential lots on the adjoining land with Tyler Tolman, son of American health celebrity, Don Tolman.

Peter van Lieshout with Tyler Tolman


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