Nightmare on Minjungbal

Nightmare on Minjungbal is a book in progress, edited by Gi Linda, revealing the truth about an Australian land-share community run by litigious sovereignty activists who are selling "Tribal Title" to dwelling sites without development approval.

The prospective land-share project began in 2014, under the auspices of Truthology and Freedom Summits as an intentional community called "Bhula Bhula Village Community" now renamed "Nightcap Village" and marketed as "Nightcap on Minjungbal"

Bhula Bhula, 2015

Between 2015-17, more than twenty families who provided purchase money for land lost their life savings, totalling over $2 million, when sovereignty activists linked with the Aboriginal Minjungbal Tribe seized control of the land-share venture, with significant impact also on local residents.

The book tells how the sovereignty activists forced investors off the properties they had purchased, then made shareholder deals with neighbouring landowner Peter van Lieshout, brother of billionaire developer John van Lieshout, before revealing intent to extend Aboriginal Sovereignty claims across the nation

Nightmare on Minjungbal is a compelling true account of betrayal and deception with battles against lying lawyers and wigged sophists fought on the tilted stages of Kangaroo Courts in an ongoing quest for truth and justice.


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